Tips for Staying Job-Ready While at Home

Andrew BurdickBlog

The COVID-19 pandemic, along with the Center for Disease Control’s health and safety guidelines, has impacted many businesses and workers for the past few months. Job searching, and everything else … Read More

Teaching During a Pandemic

Community EngagementBlog

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, almost overnight, educators throughout the country were asked to transform their entire learning environments to a virtual one. Some school districts have managed … Read More

Results from IRC COVID-19 Survey

Community EngagementBlog

In early May, Inland Regional Center created a COVID-19 Response questionnaire. This 11-question survey allowed the IRC Community to share their thoughts on how we can best provide support during … Read More

CAC Supports Clients During Quarantine

Stephen DonahueBlog

The Client Advisory Committee (CAC) is a group of individuals, ranging in age, 16 and over.  come together monthly to interact and make friends and memories with one another. The … Read More