Urgent Safety Recall – Airbags

Community EngagementGeneral Announcements

These materials have been posted in an effort to inform our Consumers, families/caregivers, vendors and staff about a potentially dangerous situation involving airbags on specified vehicles.  Please review the following … Read More

A Joyful Rush: The 2018 Tour de Palm Springs

Dr. CJ Cook, DBABlog

On Saturday, February 10, I participated in the 2018 Tour de Palm Springs. The charity event hosted 10,000 cyclists including IRC Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) members, family, and friends! The … Read More

Outstanding Employee – January 2017

Community EngagementBlog

Each month IRC staffers are nominated by their colleagues in our Employee Recognition program. Check out this fantastic IRC staffer who was recognized for her contributions! January 2018 – Positively … Read More